5 responses to “Asthma and COPD as-needed inhalers (SABD): where refills matter!”

  1. Excellent review. Thanks.

  2. Environmental concerns are not defined except as a percentage . What is the true cost to patients and environment of switching all COPD patient to LABA vs MDI ?

  3. Thank you for this review and for including the importance of making sure the individual first understands how to use and how not to overuse meds as well as how to manage all effects. Appreciated the distinction between the two meds and that you consider patient prescriptions under a stewardship lens.
    I too am curious as well about the environmental concerns mentioned in the studies reviewed.

  4. This is an excellent review of how a simple change in clinical practice (changing refills to 0) can result in better patient care.

    Really innovative thinking on the authors part!

  5. My struggle is I often dont have a clear diagnosis of Asthma vs COPD. I work with many marginalized patients who struggle to attend appointments or investigations of any type.
    Also many of my substance using clients are particularly attached to using rescue inhalers, and it is difficult to get buy in for other approaches.

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