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At This Changed My Practice (TCMP), our mission statement is to highlight “practice changing evidence and tips.” Over the years, we’ve added articles that address physician health, as well as billing tips and audit/review preparation.
In internal medicine, we attendings all have our “soapbox topics” – teaching tips and pearls we happily dole out on rounds to demonstrate our inarguable brilliance. One of the topics in this year’s Top 5 articles – The Myth of the Calcium Correction by Dr. Janet Simons – definitely impacted my own practice as well as my clinical teaching. I also heard from several other attendings who will be removing this teaching pearl from their repertoire as well — in fact I was told this article was printed out and pinned up in the internal medicine consult room in an ER in Alberta – further evidence of how widespread this particular (now erroneous) pearl is. It’s so gratifying to see how an impactful, accessible article could impact not only how we practice today, but also how we teach the next generation of physicians.
Top 5 articles: “My practice is (will be) changed and improved”
- Pearls and Pitfalls of Rheumatologic Lab Investigations by Drs. Maysam Khalfan and Kam Shojania
- Help – the steroids are not working – Helping women with refractory vulvar lichen sclerosus by Dr. Leslie Sadownik
- Decreasing pain of osteoarthritic knees by Dr. Muxin (Max) Sun
- Correcting the Myth of Calcium Correction by Dr. Janet Simons
- Using topical corticosteroids safely and effectively by Dr. Eileen Murray
I can hardly believe that in 2020, TCMP will be celebrating its 10th year! In this coming year, watch for a redesign of the email newsletter, reflective exercises, as well as the UBC CPD and TCMP websites. We’re also in the early phases of planning a TCMP:Live conference, where you’ll get a chance to hear about a wide range of practice changing topics presented in our accessible, condensed format. Stay tuned for more information as we flesh this out. In the meantime, if you’re interested in attending or presenting a topic, please let us know at tcmp.cpd@ubc.ca.
As always, my sincere thanks go out to our amazing authors, readers, editorial team and support staff for another amazing year. Best wishes to everyone for a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.
Steve Wong, MD, FRCPC
Internal Medicine
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, UBC
Medical Director, This Changed My Practice, UBC CPD
thischangedmypractice.com – Practice changing evidence and tips
PS: This week’s cover picture is me with Piper, the puppy that changed my practice. We got a puppy this year that made me take time to go for walks with my wife in the mornings before work and spend more mindful downtime with the family. She turned out to be a great balancer to the stress and bustle of an over-scheduled professional life.

This puppy changed my practice
Well done Steve. This is a very helpful series and you deserve a lot of credit for its excellence.
Great work!