4 responses to “Lifestyle interventions in type 2 diabetes”

  1. It would have been useful to mention the Lifestyle Rx program which is available to all BC residents, and is covered by MSP. It is an in depth 12 week program supporting all the changes you have mentioned.
    Karen Nishio

  2. Great article thank you.

  3. This is a wonderful article. Thanks for summarizing everything I do in BC, it was right on point. We struggle across Canada to establish evidenced based weight management clinics with a functioning business model concurrently. However, despite this, many clinics use your approaches to Obesity and DM2 management. So it was a critical article for general MDs to read in BC. Thanks again. DEH.

  4. This is a great article! I am so happy to share with my clients that remission may be possible. This may also help mitigate some of the diabetes distress so many people with diabetes face. Many of my clients are used to providers chasing A1C numbers and this gives back some of the control to the patient. Thank you.

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