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Dr. Brian Kunimoto
Feb 28, 2011

Chronic ulcers and biofilms

The concept of biofilm in chronic wounds is in its infancy at the present time. It is just now being proposed that they play an important role in the pathogenesis of non-healing. read more...

Dr. Anne Antrim
Jan 31, 2011

The outcomes of prematurity

NICU experience has a profound effect on children and their families. As caregivers, we need to specifically ask about potential issues and offer advocacy for these families in the community and in the schools. read more...

Dr. Randall White
Jan 17, 2011

Monitoring of cardiovascular disease risk in people with chronic mental illness

The evidence has become impossible to ignore that people with chronic mental illness are dying from heart attacks and strokes at a higher rate than the general population. read more...

Dr. Shirley Sze
Jan 03, 2011

Smoking Cessation

Tobacco kills twice as many people in BC as motor vehicle crashes, alcohol, suicide and homicide combined. Providing a brief intervention of 3 minutes will double the chance of patients quitting. read more...

Dr. Devin Harris
Dec 13, 2010

Transient Ischemic Attacks: High Risk and Treatable

Transient ischemic attacks are a major risk factor for stroke. The management of TIA has changed significantly in the last 10 years. Any patient who presents TIA symptoms is now treated with the same urgency as a patient who presents with unstable angina. read more...

Dr. Julio Montaner
Nov 29, 2010

Use of HAART as a strategy to stop HIV and AIDS

Remarkable advances in HIV/AIDS treatment have been achieved over the past two decades. Most significant among these advances is the development of highly active antiretroviral therapy, a combination of antiretroviral drugs that suppress HIV replication. read more...

Dr. Ken Seethram
Nov 15, 2010

Early prenatal screening

The European experience shows that multiple ultrasound markers, serum, and anatomical survey of the fetus could be conducted in the period around 12 weeks, and that this information is much stronger in detecting genetic syndromes than 2nd trimester markers. read more...

Dr. Steve Wong
Nov 02, 2010

Leaving warfarin for the rats? A new option in anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation

I now strongly consider using dabigatran instead of warfarin in patients with a CHADS score of 2 or higher. read more...

Dr. Hugh Anton
Oct 18, 2010

Minimizing radiation exposure – decision to order imaging?

A recent study of nearly one million adults in the US determined that more than 2/3 of the subjects had at least one imaging procedure during the three year study period. CT and nuclear imaging accounted for 75.4% of the cumulative radiation dose. read more...

Dr. Daniel Ngui
Oct 04, 2010

An Update: BPH Management for Family Physicians

Every family physician faces the challenge of very limited clinical interview time with patients for a multitude of problems. Thus, we need to have an efficient framework to deal with patients with Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy. read more...

Dr. Roey Malleson
Sep 20, 2010

The Intra-Uterine Device

IUDs provide long term reversible birth control, rivaling tubal sterilization in contraceptive efficacy. They are associated with few complications, have excellent adherence records and are very cost effective. read more...

Dr. Edmond Chan
Sep 07, 2010

Pediatric allergy

“There is no convincing evidence that delayed introduction of food proteins such as peanut beyond 4 to 6 months of life has any benefit in allergy prevention” read more...