6 responses to “Palliative approach to care and serious illness conversations”

  1. Excellent article. Thank you.

  2. Lots of people talk about these issues. I think all of us want to be good at this!
    What is different here is that you’ve given me PRACTICAL guidance on how to more effectively participate. Thank you.

  3. Excellent guide to dealing with the big questions. I am 76 years old, retired FM. WIshing my own FMD might be capable of the empathy needed in using these cues.

  4. I wish there was a way to get this article out to ALL medical practitioners – this approach makes such a difference to the illness experience of patients, families, and the health care team.

  5. Outstanding article. I have done the Victoria Palliative Care course twice in the past 25 years and attended numerous talks on the subject but I found this the best one especially on technique approach on opening and carrying out discussions on SIC. I also facilitate Palliative Care seminars for first year medical students at SMP and will definitely be recommending that they read this article. Thank you for sharing.g

  6. This is an excellent article, very informative and helpful for patients with terminal illness.
    I work in a nursing home most of the residents suffer from different stages of dementia.
    The Palliative approach to care conversation is excellent – unfortunately most of the conversations are with family.
    Any suggestions on a palliative approach to care for these residents, as the focus is more on the family and their understanding of the resident’s illness and wishes?

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