7 responses to “LNG-IUS (Mirena) IUD for emergency contraception”

  1. While this study did show non-inferiority, it is still only a preliminary result. No major North American society or governing body (SOGC, ACOG, CDC, Health Canada) has yet to formally endorse the Mirena IUD for emergency contraception, though they do for the Copper IUD.

    If one does choose to, pardon the pun, change their practice based on this one study and offer a Mirena IUD for emergency contraception, it would be very wise to council the patient on both the results of the study, and this factoid (and of course, document your counseling).

  2. I am not sure if Mirena is covered by MSP as of Apr 1st ,2023 .

  3. Interesting view.

  4. Hi James, you are correct and I should have explicitly mentioned this in the article – this is an off label and preliminary use of the Mirena IUD based on limited data and I certainly discuss that with my patients and document this discussion. It is not currently a guideline-based use of the device.

    We do have a lot of indirect data over the years that supports the idea of a LNG-IUS working as EC – this is the first actual study designed to assess this outcome that I am aware of, but we have a lot of good data that any-day placement in the menstrual cycle, in the presence of a negative urine pregnancy test, has very low pregnancy rates even if the patient has had recent UPI.

    Manijeh – this article was written before the announcement of free contraception in BC! All IUDs (Mirena, Kyleena and copper) are covered for all patients as of April 1.

  5. Very important article as I agree that patients ( and some doctors) very unaware of the efficacy of IUD as EC. Most only know about Plan B and not even Ella. Maybe uptake and knowledge will increase now cost is covered.

  6. Is the Mirena in Canada the same as the Mirena in U.K.?

  7. Yes the Mirena in Canada, the UK and the US is the same but there are now generic versions in the UK, although they are not called Mirena.

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