Dr. Daniel Kim
Feb 03, 2016
Enhance the valsalva to (actually) terminate SVT
Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) is a dysrhythmia characterized by abrupt onset, regular rate that usually exceeds 150 beats/minute, and lack of identifiable P waves on ECG. SVT is caused by an abnormal circuit that allows a wave of depolarization to repeatedly travel in circular fashion in cardiac tissue via a reentry circuit that may reside in the atrioventricular (AV) node or outside the AV node in an accessory pathway. read more...
Kishore Mulpuri
Jan 20, 2016
Screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip: an evidence-based approach to practice
Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip (DDH) is a spectrum of hip joint abnormalities ranging from mild dysplasia to severe, frank dislocations. Left untreated, DDH can lead to serious complications later in life including osteoarthritis of the hip and total hip replacement. read more...
Dr. N. John Bosomworth
Jan 06, 2016
Weight loss in healthy people
There is no evidence for benefit of weight loss in healthy people. The safest body size trajectory in healthy people is a stable weight. It takes a modest amount of exercise to attain good metabolic benefit. It takes substantial exercise commitment to produce weight loss or to prevent weight regain. Mediterranean diet reduces cardiac risk factors and mortality. read more...
Dr. Steve Wong
Dec 16, 2015
Letter from the editor
As 2015 comes to a rapid close, I wanted to once again thank all of our authors and readers for their active participation at This Changed My Practice (TCMP). read more...
Sue Barlow, OT and Jennifer Loffree, OT
Dec 02, 2015
Concussion rehabilitation
The statistics regarding recovery from concussion indicate that the majority of individuals will be symptom-free at 3 months; within 6 months 70-75% will be symptom free; and within a year 10% will have 1 persisting symptom and 5% will have 4 or more persisting symptoms read more...
Dr. Paul Thiessen
Nov 18, 2015
A simple new technique for collecting urine in infants
What changed my practice was this simple new technique reported in an article from Spain which described a new method to obtain a midstream urine collection in which the infant is held upright and someone rubs over the suprapubic region while gently tapping over the lumbar region of the spine. read more...
Dr. Antoinette van den Brekel
Oct 28, 2015
Postnatal investigation of antenatally detected hydronephrosis
Health care providers caring for pregnant women and newborns are often faced with a finding of fetal hydronephrosis on routine screening antenatal ultrasound; in fact it is seen in 1 to 2% of fetuses screened. Babies at risk of rapidly progressive renal injury due to urinary tract obstruction need to be evaluated and referred for specialized care urgently, prior to discharge from hospital. read more...
Dr. Ric Arseneau
Oct 13, 2015
Hope for patients with fatigue, pain, and unexplained symptoms
Fatigue, pain, and unexplained symptoms are commonly seen in physician offices, however they are often experienced as “unsatisfying” for doctors. Our patients need an explanatory model to help them understand their illness. If we don’t provide one, patients will create their own or seek one elsewhere. read more...
Dr. Karen Nordahl
Sep 30, 2015
Exercise during pregnancy
It has been shown that 55% of pregnant patients reported some form of back pain during their pregnancy when questioned. Studies have demonstrated that if we get pregnant women moving, specifically working their pelvic floor with Kegel exercises and their ‘core’ they may have better pregnancy outcomes. read more...
James McCormack
Sep 16, 2015
Cardiovascular outcomes and blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol numbers
Numerous observational studies have consistently shown in many (but not all) patient populations a correlation between people with higher blood pressure, glucose, and cholesterol numbers, and a greater risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attacks, strokes, and other unwanted outcomes. read more...
Dr. Catherine Allaire
Sep 02, 2015
Management of cyclical pelvic pain
Endometriosis is a very common condition affecting an estimated 10% of women of reproductive age. Severe dysmenorrhea is the most common symptom of endometriosis and the earliest one to occur. read more...
Dr. Anne Antrim
Aug 19, 2015
This app changed my practice – Read by QxMD
Read by QxMD provides the current research and opinions on topics in your field in a user-friendly manner so that I am not the last person in the province using Ribavarin for RSV infection when everyone else has read about the lack of efficacy. read more...
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