Rohit Singla PhD, Dr. Daniel Raff, Dr. Hester Vivier, and Dr. Andre Van Wyk
Feb 14, 2024
Talking smart: conversational AI streamlines clinical practice
Conversational AI has become a valuable tool for family physicians in Canada. It helps us provide better patient care, eases the burden of documentation, and reduces burnout. Incorporating digital scribe technology brings marked efficiency, especially given the high patient volumes. With AI managing real-time transcription and summarization, physicians can give undivided attention to patients, deepening rapport and focus on prescriptions and referrals. read more...
Drs. Carson Chin, Nathan Hitchman, and Jordan Friedmann
Jan 24, 2024
Gouty pitfalls
Guidelines recommend that ULT be directed by SUA, but interpretation of such differs in acute and chronic phases of gout. Therapies require renal dose adjustment and can lead to serious and even fatal adverse events. Preventable adverse events continue to occur in BC due to underutilization of testing. read more...
Drs. Kevin Liang and Philip Hui
Jan 10, 2024
Asthma and COPD as-needed inhalers (SABD): where refills matter!
New asthma and COPD guidelines are changing the way we provide respiratory care; SABDs, such as salbutamol and ipratropium, are no longer the mainstay treatment for both conditions. Importantly, SABD overuse is a measure of poor disease control and suggests a need for treatment escalation. read more...
Dr. Ras Mulinta
Jan 03, 2024
Delivering Feedback with L.O.V.E. A perspective on learner-centered feedback using emotive language.
When delivering constructive feedback, I often feared being perceived as insensitive or overly critical, and the sandwich technique often felt insincere, rather than fostering intrinsic motivation. read more...
Dr. Kelvin Lou
Jan 01, 2024
Teaching Serious Illness Conversations using the Elephant and Rider Model
How can we approach serious illness conversations? How can we expand and deepen our understanding of existing tools so that we may apply them to situations we don't anticipate? read more...
Dr. Steve Wong
Dec 20, 2023
Letter from the editor
In the demanding landscape of modern healthcare, physicians bear the weight of both clinical responsibilities and the intricate challenges that come with navigating an evolving health-care system. Physician burdens are a leading cause of practitioner stress and a key factor in early practice exits. Finally, this is being more openly discussed and we are even seeing regulatory and funding bodies starting to acknowledge, and sometimes start to address, this critical issue. read more...
Dr. Shirley Samuel-Haynes
Nov 21, 2023
Palliative approach to care and serious illness conversations
I learned that a palliative approach to care and serious illness conversations address and manage patients' and families' psychological, practical, social, loss/grief, spiritual, and physical issues like pain and symptom management in line with their goals of care and help prepare for eventual life closure. Here are practical tips on how to implement this in your practice. read more...
Beata Chami
Nov 08, 2023
Effectively managing imposter syndrome in medicine
Experience of imposter feelings is linked to poor mental health outcomes such as anxiety, depression, and burnout and results in lower professional fulfillment. There may not be a “cure” for imposter syndrome, but there are strategies available to minimize the onset of it. Addressing symptoms that can have a significant impact on your well-being and those that you care for. read more...
Dr. Rachel Grimminck, Dr. Jo Hoffman, and Dr. Laura McLean
Oct 25, 2023
Psychedelics: safely navigating a new frontier
Given the rapidly shifting social, political, and legal contexts surrounding the use of psychedelics, we realized the need to offer an informed opinion on the use of psychedelics in the same way we offer information and harm reduction strategies for substances such as opiates, cannabis, and alcohol. read more...
Dr. Nawaaz Nathoo and Sorayya Seddigh
Oct 11, 2023
No more reading glasses: daily eyedrops for presbyopia
There are currently no eye drops for presbyopia treatment that have been approved for use in Canada. In December 2021, pilocarpine hydrochloride 1.25% eye drops became the first drug approved by the FDA for the medical management of presbyopia. Pilocarpine is a miotic agent that uses the eyes’ natural ability to constrict the pupil via parasympathetic innervation. It has been shown to improve near-intermediate vision without impacting distance vision. read more...
Dr. Ken Tan, Dr. Julia Stewart, Dr. Doug McTaggart, Dr. Sandra Lee, Chase Simms (MPH)
Sep 26, 2023
Changing the game for Acute Infectious Diarrhea — IDP for the win!
A new laboratory test has been introduced in BC: the Infectious Diarrhea Panel (IDP). This combines the previous three tests with a single-specimen test, and replaces the stool C&S and O&P in BC. Note, however, that standalone C. difficile tests are still available. read more...
Drs. Jill Norris and Jessica Otte
Sep 12, 2023
Implementing Prescribing Portraits — Therapeutics Initiative
Primary care clinicians face an overwhelming volume of information to process and tasks to complete. There are new and sometimes conflicting guidelines and practice standards, forms to fill out, emails about meetings, and an inbox full of labs, documents to review, and messages to respond to. Now that I get Portraits in my email inbox from time to time, I schedule time to look at them, and focus on the listed recommendations and whether my pattern of practice is close to where it should be according to the evidence, and if not, why not. read more...
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