4 responses to “Using data for practice quality improvement to address blood sugar challenges for complex care patient”

  1. I applaud the physician for improving their sense of well-being. I regret that the plurality of the article, however, did not offer more information about the patient’s and their outcomes.

  2. Does HDC work for Ontario?

  3. In terms of applying an epidemiological approach to the medical practice, this is a good thing. However, the way about getting to the data is really very short sighted and it is so because of ideological reasons, in this case everything is better than a governmental take on the issue (since is more cost effective and little to no associated fees; albeit in the case of HDC it looks like being funded by the government via the Master Agreement with the Doctors of BC). This despite having PharmaNet the crown jewel of information systems in health care in Canada.

    PILS (the Provincial Informational Laboratory System) in BC, a designated databank and collected by PHSA (which just sits on that information) and passed it on the MoH, which also sits on that information with the excuse that the database is to complex to be used, could very well provide all epidemiological information a clinical practice might need on the subject brought by the article and many more.

    Heck, by putting together medication information (PharmaNet) with clinical lab results (PILS), one can even see what drugs work the best. But it looks almost that it is destined that the two shall never meet, kind of pre-ordained…

  4. I admire your work and continued dedication!

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