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Dr. Steve Wong
Apr 20, 2010

Choosing antihypertensive combos: does it matter how you do it?

I generally started with thiazide diuretics (due to cost and proven effectiveness) then added either an ACE inhibitor (ACEi) or a calcium channel blocker (CCB), consistent with the Canadian Hypertension Society Guidelines. read more...

Dr. Natasha Press
Apr 16, 2010

MRSA skin and soft tissue infections

A 32 year old woman, otherwise healthy, presented with a “spider-bite”. On exam, she had a tender abscess on her buttock. It was associated with some surrounding cellulitis but no fever or other systemic features. read more...

Dr. Breay Paty
Apr 15, 2010

What are the CV risks of TZDs: have the safety questions been answered?

Since their introduction, certain contraindications and side effects have been well known, including worsening heart failure, edema (including macular edema) and weight gain. read more...