Dr. Roey Malleson
Sep 20, 2010
The Intra-Uterine Device
IUDs provide long term reversible birth control, rivaling tubal sterilization in contraceptive efficacy. They are associated with few complications, have excellent adherence records and are very cost effective. read more...
Dr. Edmond Chan
Sep 07, 2010
Pediatric allergy
“There is no convincing evidence that delayed introduction of food proteins such as peanut beyond 4 to 6 months of life has any benefit in allergy prevention” read more...
Dr. Amanda Hill
Aug 23, 2010
The natural history of severe dementia
In providing care to frail and severely demented elderly we see many patients with aspiration pneumonia, swallowing problems and failing to eat. We also see many patients fail to get better even when we have adequately addressed their acute medical issues. read more...
Dr. Adeera Levin
Aug 09, 2010
Understanding eGFR in the clinical context: who does and does not need referral?
Identifying patients with eGFR<60ml/min remains important to avoid potential risks, but it is becoming clear that referring all those patients to nephrologists is neither appropriate nor efficient. read more...
Dr. Brian Bressler
Jul 26, 2010
Probiotic therapy has changed my approach to treating patients with irritable bowel syndrome
Recently there has been clinical evidence for using probiotics for various medical conditions, including treatment of acute gastroenteritis, prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and IBS. read more...
Dr. Bob Bluman
Jul 11, 2010
New fee codes and treatment options have improved my care of patients with mental health problems
It was usually difficult to get my patients into appropriate resources and due to my lack of tools and time to help these patients, I would often prescribe medications. read more...
Dr. Barb Melosky
Jun 28, 2010
Evidence shows that chemotherapy holidays may not be in the best interest for patients with metastatic colorectal carcinoma
A 6 month survival difference was seen in those patients who did not receive a chemotherapy free interval. read more...
Dr. Monica Beaulieu
Jun 14, 2010
New study on the use of erythropoietin stimulating agents in chronic kidney disease has made us evaluate the risk-benefit of ESA’s in CKD patients not on dialysis.
The evidence strongly suggests that there is little to no benefit gained by raising the Hb over > 100g/L (and perhaps even lower) in diabetic patients with CKD not on dialysis. read more...
Dr. Steve Wong
Apr 20, 2010
Choosing antihypertensive combos: does it matter how you do it?
I generally started with thiazide diuretics (due to cost and proven effectiveness) then added either an ACE inhibitor (ACEi) or a calcium channel blocker (CCB), consistent with the Canadian Hypertension Society Guidelines. read more...
Dr. Natasha Press
Apr 16, 2010
MRSA skin and soft tissue infections
A 32 year old woman, otherwise healthy, presented with a “spider-bite”. On exam, she had a tender abscess on her buttock. It was associated with some surrounding cellulitis but no fever or other systemic features. read more...
Dr. Breay Paty
Apr 15, 2010
What are the CV risks of TZDs: have the safety questions been answered?
Since their introduction, certain contraindications and side effects have been well known, including worsening heart failure, edema (including macular edema) and weight gain. read more...
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