Dr. Carol-Ann Saari
Sep 05, 2018
Trauma Informed Practice (TIP) makes perfect (or at least it is a good start)
In the general population, approximately 75% of Canadians will report having experienced an adverse and potentially traumatic experience in their lifetime, with 9.2% meeting criteria for PTSD. We have to become trauma informed. Trauma informed practice (TIP) is a way of providing services that recognizes the need for physical and emotional safety, choice and control in decisions affecting one’s treatment and an environment where patients do not experience further traumatization. read more...
Lily Zhou
Sep 04, 2018
Better than sex? Building mind wandering tolerant presentations
I used to feel crushed when looking up from notes during a presentation to a packed lecture hall of colleagues intensely concentrating... read more...
Dr. Colleen Varcoe and Dr. Heather Smith
Aug 15, 2018
Equity-oriented health care
Health equity-oriented care is now part of my daily practice; the tools created with, and provided by, the EQUIP study have helped to make health care inequity an issue that I can screen for and offer options for management. read more...
Drs. Terence Yung and Tony Wan
Jul 24, 2018
Baby aspirin for extended DVT prophylaxis after elective hip and knee arthroplasty
For those who had an elective hip or knee arthroplasty who have no other risk factors for VTE, after initial 5 days of DVT prophylaxis with rivaroxaban 10mg a day, I complete the remaining DVT prophylaxis with aspirin 81mg once daily for an additional 30 days for hip arthroplasty and 9 days for knee arthroplasty. Those who already were on once-daily 81mg aspirin prior to surgery will receive 162mg aspirin once daily instead in this period. read more...
Dr. Maia Love
Jul 04, 2018
Wellness and self-care for professional excellence
Defining yourself as a person first, and your role as a professional second, has benefits in preventing burnout and creating more personal energy. Put your own oxygen mask on first. read more...
Dr. Min S. Phang, MRCP, FRCPC and Stacey Miller, PT
Jun 13, 2018
Hip surveillance in children with cerebral palsy
I now refer all children with cerebral palsy, or suspected cerebral palsy, to the Child Health BC Hip Surveillance Program. Information about the program is available at www.childhealthbc.ca/hips, including a referral form for physicians. The incidence of hip dislocations can be significantly reduced! read more...
Dr. Kelly Luu
May 23, 2018
The power of storytelling in clinical encounters
Evidence shows that the strategy which physicians frequently employ, educating and training, is only the first step in the process of behavioural change. By helping patients shift their narratives about themselves, we can strengthen their ability to have sustained behavioural change. read more...
Dr. Andrew Howard, Tyler Schwaiger, Dr. Noah Silverberg, and Dr. Will Panenka
May 02, 2018
Concussion management: time to give “brain rest” a rest
Rest might increase symptoms and recovery time following concussion or mild traumatic brain injury. Inactivity has been associated with physical deconditioning, social isolation, discouragement about recovery, and reactive anxiety and depression. Early mobilization and graded exercise programs can reduce post-concussive symptoms and recovery time. read more...
Dr. Vanessa Brcic and Dr. Devon Christie
Apr 18, 2018
Trauma as a determinant of health
What changed our practice was a fundamental recognition of trauma as a determinant of health, and furthermore, that PTSD is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to trauma. Much lies under the surface for our patients. read more...
Dr. Leslie Sadownik
Apr 04, 2018
Practice Tip: “SAIL” through a vulvovaginal examination
Women with chronic vulvar disorders will often report years of symptoms before an accurate diagnosis is made, and effective treatment is started. read more...
The practice of mindfulness
Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying attention to the unfolding of experience moment by moment. This paying attention is done on purpose, in the present moment, and it’s non-judgmental. read more...
Dr. Duncan Etches
Feb 21, 2018
In summary, in place of pattern or algorithm driven medicine, clinical experience and ability to determine what is best for our patient lies at the heart of the art of medicine. read more...
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