13 responses to “This app changed my practice: DizzyFix”

  1. It seems the use of this app may be a good starting point for a study on benign positional vertigo, it’s diagnosis, it’s mimics, it’s treatment. Or perhaps a comparison of teaching methods. Just a thought….

  2. Good TCMP. IF not too pricey will try the app, and also the virtual patient.

  3. I have recently been sending patients with BPV to a physio specially trained in treating this condition; rather than prescribing medication. I shall also look into this app.

  4. We have actually just submitted for publication a prospective randomized study of medical students learning the Epley maneuver with and without using the DizzyFIX application. It does seem to have a very significant positive impact on maneuver performance. It would be great to get other studies done looking at residents or family practice. The physical device “DizzyFIX” can also be used for the same purpose but obviously it not downloadable.

  5. Love the app! So much easier

  6. I really feel that the type of patient yu see with dizzyness will NOT be helped by this app.

  7. This is a good idea. There is also a unit that can be bought and lent to patients to help them do the manouvre at home. Having said this the key is in the diagnosis. That takes a careful history and exam. There are many shades of dizziness and also of bppv.

  8. Too bad the app is not free. We live in a world where it is pay pay pay round every corner – enough to make me dizzy.

  9. sounds like a great idea, I have just changed to blackberry but thinking of changing back to the iphone!

  10. Please note that the DizzyFix will only work for the posterior canal canalithiasis variant of BPPV and you still have to determine the side. It is unlikely to work for horizontal canal or anterior canal issues and definitely won’t work for the cupulolithiasis variant in any of the canals. If not readily responding (1-3 tries) I recommend you find a physical or occupational therapist with training in vestibular rehabilitation. While you don’t need goggles for assessing and treating BPPV, therapists using infrared goggles would be a better choice, as they are more likely to be significantly trained in the area vs. ‘dabblers’ who have just taken a weekend intro course, and the goggles make it much easier to evaluate the nystagmus and thus accurately determine if it is truly consistent with BPPV, which canal is involved, and if it is canalithiasis or cupulolithiasis..
    I can see the value of Physicians using this if attempting an Epley maneuver with their patients, however as a recommendations for patient purchase, this is often scary for patients so they do much better with a therapist helping them through the maneuver than having to try it themselves with this tool, and with treatment efficacy so good (1-3 treatments), there isn’t much reason for a patient to invest in one. Also, you don’t want a person trying this themselves if this is actually central positional vertigo so you would want to be very sure of your diagnosis.

  11. i found the app on my iphone it was free, but with little or no instructions………..thanks

  12. Is this app available for Android? I can’t find it!

  13. A smart phone now has tilt sensors and accelerometers.
    A smart phone strapped to the side of a patient’s head is an awesome tool.

    Add to the app the ability for the phone to measure the patient’s head angles and movements and offer visual and audio clues for walking the patient and attendant through various maneuvers.

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