Family Medicine

Uterus outline

Menopause: Don’t sweat it: Part 1

Women often seek medical care around the time of menopause, yet, in one survey, only 27% of Canadian women reported that their family physician proactively discussed menopause with them. The root of this care gap is thought to be the paucity of education that medical professionals have received regarding menopause in the last 20 years. Now, we try to include at least one question about menopausal symptoms proactively in our seemingly asymptomatic patients over the age of 40.

Trauma-informed high impact chronic pain care

Trauma-informed high impact chronic pain care

My interactions with high impact chronic pain patients have become more effective as my approach has changed from a relentless pursuit to decrease their pain, to a more compassionate one, where in a safe space I listened as patients shared their needs and goals, while I provided them with tools when they were receptive to change.